FPL New Canopy Central Service Center

FPL New Canopy Central Service Center

Project Name: FPL New Canopy Central Service Center
Location: 122 SW 3 Street Miami
Project Timeline: 60 Days Approx
Completion Date: 1/1/2024
Size/Area: 950 square feet
Mix: 3000 pSI
Owner: FPL
Contractor: Contierra Construction Management
Sub-Contractor: N/A
Supplier: Supermix
Engineer: N/A
Application: Monolitic SOG & Footers
Fiber: N/A
Website Links: N/A

Open Air Canopy Main Structure Charging Center. Located inside the Central Dade yard in Downtown Miami. Challenged with a mine field of underground utilities, posed a lot of changes for excavation. Pouring times needed to be strategy coordinated with FPL to avoid blocking the exit of the FPL equipment. Washout areas for the equipment was also a challenge due to the tight area.

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